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Historic Routt County | since 1997


Historic Routt County | since 1997


To celebrate Historic Routt County’s 20th birthday in 2019, we launched the Stewardship Program. Through this program, we organize volunteers to continuously maintain the places HRC has saved over the past 22 years and support preservation of publicly owned cultural resources.


2023 Citizens Science Project Volunteer Opportunities

Arborglyph Documentation- HRC, in partnership with the US Forest Service will be documenting and mapping the Peruvian/Quechuan arborglyphs (carvings on aspen trees) in North Routt County. The goal is to educate visitors about the history of these fragile resources and to enhance their appreciation and stewardship of them. The project will create a geodatabase and accurate maps of over 100 arborglyph locations on public lands by georeferencing and mapping the spatial distributions with ArcGISPro and other ESRI software. Photographs and descriptions of the arborglyphs will be hosted on an interactive website.

HRC, in partnership with the United States Forest Service, will rehabilitate historic resources on public land in Routt County. The properties will be identified in 2023, and work must be completed by the end of 2027.