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Historic Routt County | since 1997

Historic Routt County | since 1997

Arnold Barn

The Steamboat Springs Redevelopment Authority and the generous contributions of the community funded this project.


At a Glance

Date Built: 1928
Restoration Start Date: 2016
Completion Date: 2019

The History

In 1928, Walter Arnold built a dairy barn at the base of Mt. Werner (then Storm Mountain) on his 160-acre ranch and dairy farm. For more than 30 years Walter, his wife, and their 3 sons raised Holstein cows, sheep, chickens, oats, and hay. They sold dairy products and eggs in the then, small town of Steamboat Springs.

The Arnolds retired in 1961 and the newly formed Storm Mountain Ski Corporation purchased the property to allow access to the fledgling resort. For many years, the barn was used as storage and a backdrop for advertising photos. Over time the landscape transformed, the remaining buildings disappeared, and fields became roads and parking lots. The ownership of the property changed hands multiple times over the years and the barn suffered neglect, sinking into the manmade wetland at the edge of the Meadows parking lot.

The Project

The Save Arnold Barn group was formed in 2016 to advocate for the preservation of the barn and galvanize community support. HRC served as the fiscal agent and lead for this dedicated grassroots group. A public/private partnership was formed as more local organizations came on board including the Urban Renewal Area Advisory Committee, Save Arnold Bar/Historic Routt County, Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation, Steamboat Grand Homeowners Association, and the Tread of Pioneers Museum with the mission to save this irreplaceable symbol of Northwest Colorado.

Moving the Barn: In 2017, the Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation regained ownership of the barn, Emergency stabilization was completed in the fall of 2017 bracing it for another winter. In October 2018, the barn was relocated approximately 1000’ up the road to its new home at the intersection of Mt. Werner Road and Circle, and the final rehabilitation was completed in 2019.